The saga continues! I called the repair shop this morning to get a status update on my drumset, because two weeks ago they said "it should be complete in two weeks". After giving the guy my work order number he says, "oh yeah- we're still waiting on about five or six parts..."
Not being an electrical engineer, I can't tell if this is a good or bad sign. If they're going to just replace an entire unit because one piece on the inside is busted (as Americans are prone to do), I certainly would not mind a brand new high-hat, but that's just one part, right? In this case, to need five or six parts, I can only think of what else they might be replacing.
As a floor model, the set was "well-used" when I got it and pretty banged up. While I didn't know it at the time, it is actually missing a few screws here and there too. It wasn't until I downloaded an Owner's Manual that I became aware there should have been velcro fasteners for all of the cables (neither the manual or fasteners were given to me at purchase). A musician friend who owns the exact same kit went down the list of what was missing or "not right". Most noteably, in his words, my kick drum is "thrashed". I didn't think much of it at the time because it played just fine. (Tip: Unless you can give it a good top-to-bottom inspection, *and know what to look for* never get the floor model from Guitar Center!) Again, if they choose to replace or fix the kick drum too, how awesome is that? However, if- and here's where it get interesting, the repair shop is opening up the components and pulling out guts and motherboards and replacing them, my experience in building an rebuilding computers and working on cars and tells me this is a great point for something to go wrong and get overlooked until the entire set is shipped back and I discover the problem three months from now.
Or, I could just be paranoid and going through withdrawals of not having a drumset for almost a month.
Got any "repair center" horror stories? Share them in the comment section below!