20 September, 2006

Ode To Internet

So the other day as I was heading out the house, I thought, "y'know, I've never written a rap song..." This is a half a piece of a loose attempt... Perhaps, posted for the world to see, I may even finish it sometime before 2007... what with not being a rapper and all...

Ode to Internet

Way over my head
In the blogo-forum-sphere
the digital communicative space so weird
the oh so cool, designed to exclude
the clueless techno-speak. rude?
not so rude and now not so clueless to me.
and i know when ppl makin fun of me

Gimme a break- "PM sent"? WTF?
Took me about 2 months to figure that one out!
"Private Message"- why can people just say that, yo?!
All of that designed to exlude
the masses from a special selection of interludes

PMs sent... What? You aint getting them?
Aaah- I guess you're not in the scene then
Audi... O.M.G. Do they still say that shit?
B.B.I.A.B. havin a heart attack...
And when my girl gets back you know she
gon' say what the emeffin hell is that?

i dont know because
i'm just a perpitrator
not an innovator like Dean Jones my man from Decatur
Groomed by the studio to be the next James Dean
Jailhouse Rock, Torpedo Run, Night of the Quarter Moon

Blackbeard's Ghost, 69 the The Love Bug
until the man swept his white ass under the rug
and now the only way you know his name is because
i thought to mention him before the refrain
its amazing the facts that infiltrate the brain

to be con'td. (yo)

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