16 December, 2008

Smells Like Flowers - Bushfinger Music Project

My friend james* has recently started a fun little project where a topic of the month is presented, and a variety of people are asked to contribute something creative surrounding that topic.

When I received the email about December's topic, I already had half the song written before I even finished reading the email! As good with words as james is, I took the liberty of borrowing a bit of text from the email (with permission of course), added a few words of my own, some catchy pop riffs, and voila!

"New Music Tuesday, Episode 35" is smugly entitled "Smells Like Flowers", co-written by yours truly and james, who prefers lowercase and would want you to visit stewedtomatoes.blogspot.com for some excursions in creative writing, photography, and the occasional theme-related pop song.

Smells Like Flowers - Bushfinger Music Project 2:30
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Read The Blog: bushfinger.blogspot.com
myspace.com/bushfingermusicproject (Thanks for the ADD!)
*New Music Tuesday. Not always new, not always Tuesday!
(c) 2008 Bushfinger Music Project and BMP Media International

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