10 September, 2007

Where's the Music, Yo?

Sorry folks, I've been busy! Insert Valid Excuses #3-5 (because the first two are lame).

#3: I thought I was done with school. Instead, I have spent half the summer in a paperwork battle with University officials. I am currently losing. :(

#4: It's been 100+ degrees lately, which makes it kinda tough to turn off the air-conditioner. And if you've ever tried to record with the air-conditioner on in the studio, well, you know how unsuccessful that can be...

And finally,

#5: I have been signed on as the official un-official "Music Director" and soundtrack provider for MotorkultTV.com! Yes, that's right, I'm officially a Producer! (of sorts). I also got cajoled into to "consulting" for several upcoming projects of their parent company. The next few months should be quite interesting!

Oh and I can't forget to mention that I will be at the Podcast and New Media Expo on Sept. 28-30! Track me down and say the magic words, and get a free Promo CD! (Magic words: "Hey- I love your show! Can I have a CD?")

Meanwhile, I'm scanning through the archives for a suitable New Music Tuesday so stay tuned.

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